These beautiful fine greens are called "Hoshanos" 5 Pieces per bundle. We use them for Hoshana Raba. Lulavim, Esrogim and Haddasim being sold at a market place Rabbi's checking the Lulavim... Hard!! #1 Pic of Lulav & Esrog #1 Pic of Lulav & Esrog. Included is: 3 Haddasim 2 Aravos 1 Lulav and 1 Esrog #1 Aravos being sold at a market place These are Lulavim Rings we use them to keep the lulav together from not splitting. If the lulav splits it's pasul. (Please consult your rav for your questions) #2 Aravos being sold at a market place DID YOU KNOW? ...On Sukkot/Succos we should eat our food in the succa? We should at least eat mezonot. (grain - crackers, cakes, pastries, etc.) ...On Hoshana Raba we take the willow branches of 5 (Hoshanos) and hit it on the floor for a redemption of our sins. ...Men, Woman and children can shake the Lulav!